Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Detroiters Heart Cars

When you're the person always looking crazy and sitting on the ground (which is where I often find myself) no one seems to take you "seriously" and pose in some stupid way, which is usually pretty great. Being a fly on the wall (or floor) usually has it's advantages. I don't think a single model even took a second to look at me once. Well, only until after I asked them their name and other basic info, then they couldn't stop wondering and staring....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Lots 'O Kids

The above girl is my homie, Megan. The minute I stepped in the room, she sucked her thumb and clung to my leg, even after getting all wet and stepping into the pool. This one was for me. These kids were all from assignment for DFP, and the photos never made publication on web or print. The lady in the second photo is a beautiful soul. Top is a photo I liked from the Detroit Zoo, also for assignment. So I'll put them here. All photos are copyright to me and sometimes me and the Detroit Free Press, unless otherwise noted. I hate putting the copyright/watermark on photos because it's ugly, and I'm not sure if it needs to be said, but please don't steal my work. I wish I had more time to shoot things other than for assignment, but they keep me pretty busy, which is good! My goal is to try to shoot more for myself, but we'll see.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Love Sushi

Friday, July 11, 2008

I learned a valuable lesson... don't wear contacts-get lasik. Otherwise, be subject to having to get a nasty "corneal filiment" aka, string of infection, pulled out of your eye by your local optholmologist.

I am doing my first official internship at The Detroit Free Press. I know people tend to have bad things to say about Detroit, but this is a great news city and a great internship. For anyone out there looking for a good one, this is it. They expect you to be a self starter and give you everything you need to succeed. You're working just like everyone else almost from the first day. They also have a big focus on multi-media, video, and web based content and not to mention they won an emmy last year for their series on a group of marines. Check it out here.

The old Tigers Stadium is coming done, and there's lots of mixed feelings about it. Many are sad to see the historic stadium go (someone mentioned it was the oldest original existing stadium) , while others can't wait to see it turned into a parking lot.

Photo gallery:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I made the front page!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Camp Dearborn

Fireworks are still fun, even as you get older. Especially for my Aunt Connie. She loves fireworks almost more than the kids.

Well, it's taken me way too long to get one of these, so here's a good attempt. It's a good way to have my stuff somewhere, but I'm a slow-adapter techno-phobe. But hey, I'm learning.