Sunday, May 3, 2009

I haven't posted in a while.... I had some major trauma when my hard drive crashed (and I had stupidly not backed up MOST of my stuff...) and have spent several weeks recovering that. LUCKILY, I managed to at least save three years worth of photos I would have really missed. Other stuff seems like it's pretty much gone, but that's what I get for not backing up sooner. On a good note, finally finished my website, and re-designed it to fit me and my style more. Got some good things going in the works TBA, and hope to post lots of photos that I've missed out on for a while now, soon. So meanwhile, here's a really cute (at least I think so) picture of my dog, Squeegee. Shot using natural light at dusk, using a curtain hanging off an AC unit as a backdrop. Said his favorite word! (Peanut Butter!)

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